Albert Einstein Quotes

Albert Einstein Quotes – Science

“Imagination is more important than
knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it
would not be called research, would it?” –
Albert Einstein

“The most beautiful thing we can
experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science.” –
Albert Einstein

“People like us, who believe in physics,
know that the distinction between past,
present, and future is only a stubbornly
persistent illusion.” – Albert Einstein

“The only reason for time is so that
everything doesn’t happen at once.” –
Albert Einstein

“Any intelligent fool can make things
bigger and more complex… It takes a
touch of genius — and a lot of courage to
move in the opposite direction.” – Albert
“When forced to summarize the general
theory of relativity in one sentence: Time
and space and gravitation have no
separate existence from matter.” – Albert
“For every one billion particles of
antimatter there were one billion and one
particles of matter. And when the mutual
annihilation was complete, one billionth
remained – and that’s our present
universe.” – Albert Einstein
“As far as the laws of mathematics refer
to reality, they are not certain; and as far
as they are certain, they do not refer to
reality.” – Albert Einstein
“I don’t believe in mathematics.” – Albert
“Science is a wonderful thing if one does
not have to earn one’s living at it.” –
Albert Einstein
“The most incomprehensible thing about
the world is that it is comprehensible.” –
Albert Einstein
“I maintain that the cosmic religious
feeling is the strongest and noblest
motive for scientific research.” – Albert
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Albert Einstein Quotes – Religon
“God does not play dice with the
universe.” – Albert Einstein
“Science without religion is lame, religion
without science is blind.” – Albert Einstein
“I want to know God’s thoughts…the rest
are details.” – Albert Einstein
“I cannot conceive of a personal God who
would directly influence the actions of
individuals, or would directly sit in
judgment on creatures of his own
creation. I cannot do this in spite of the
fact that mechanistic causality has, to a
certain extent, been placed in doubt by
modern science. [He was speaking of
Quantum Mechanics and the breaking
down of determinism.] My religiosity
consists in a humble admiration of the
infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself
in the little that we, with our weak and
transitory understanding, can
comprehend of reality. Morality is of the
highest importance — but for us, not for
God.” – Albert Einstein ‘The Human Side’,
“Subtle is the Lord, but malicious He is
not.” – Albert Einstein
“Strange is our situation here upon this
earth. Each of us comes for a short visit,
not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming
to a divine purpose.” – Albert Einstein
“There remains something subtle,
intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for
this force beyond anything that we can
comprehend is my religion.” – Albert
“Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic
dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune
intoned in the distance by an invisible
player.” – Albert Einstein
“Do you believe in immortality? No, and
one life is enough for me.” – Albert
“Scientists were rated as great heretics by
the church, but they were truly religious
men because of their faith in the
orderliness of the universe.” – Albert
“I do not believe that the Good Lord
plays dice.” – Albert Einstein
“When the solution is simple, God is
answering.” – Albert Einstein
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Albert Einstein Quotes – Humanity
“It has become appallingly obvious that
our technology has exceeded our
humanity.” – Albert Einstein
“I know not with what weapons World
War III will be fought, but World War IV
will be fought with sticks and stones.” –
Albert Einstein
“Only a life lived for others is a life
worthwhile.” – Albert Einstein
“The world is a dangerous place, not
because of those who do evil, but
because of those who look on and do
nothing.” – Albert Einstein
“Peace cannot be achieved through
violence, it can only be attained through
understanding.” – Albert Einstein
“The value of a man resides in what he
gives and not in what he is capable
receiving.” – Albert Einstein
“Try not to be a person of success, but
rather a person of virtue.” – Albert
“Try not to become a man of success but
rather to become a man of value.” –
Albert Einstein
“So long as there are men there will be
wars.” – Albert Einstein
“Nationalism is an infantile disease, the
measles of mankind.” – Albert Einstein
“I believe in standardizing automobiles,
not human beings.” – Albert Einstein
“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness
of character.” – Albert Einstein
“The true value of a human being is
determined primarily by the measure and
the sense in which he has attained
liberation from the self.” – Albert Einstein
“It is not by sitting still at a grand
distance and calling the human race
larvae that men are to be helped.” –
Albert Einstein
“A man’s ethical behavior should be
based effectually on sympathy, education,
and social ties; no religious basis is
necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor
way if he had to be restrained by fear of
punishment and hope of reward after
death.” – Albert Einstein
“America is today the hope of all
honorable men who respect the rights of
their fellow men and who believe in the
principle of freedom and justice.” – Albert
“Perfection of means and confusion of
ends seem to characterize our age.” –
Albert Einstein
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Albert Einstein Quotes – Humorous
“Gravitation is not responsible for people
falling in love.” – Albert Einstein
“The hardest thing in the world to
understand is the income tax.” – Albert
“Only two things are infinite, the universe
and human stupidity, and I’m not sure
about the former.” – Albert Einstein
“Once you can accept the universe as
matter expanding into nothing that is
something, wearing stripes with plaid
comes easy.” – Albert Einstein
“The difference between stupidity and
genius is that genius has its limits.” –
Albert Einstein
“The most aggravating thing about the
younger generation is that I no longer
belong to it.” – Albert Einstein
When his wife asked him to change
clothes to meet the German Ambassador:
“they want to see me, here I am. If they
want to see my clothes, open my closet
and show them my suits.” – Albert
“With fame, I become more and more
stupid, which of course is a very common
phenomenon.” – Albert Einstein
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Albert Einstein Quotes – Education
“Education is what remains after one has
forgotten everything he learned in
school.” – Albert Einstein
“Teaching should be such that what is
offered is perceived as a valuable gift and
not as a hard duty.” – Albert Einstein
“Example isn’t another way to teach, it is
the only way to teach.” – Albert Einstein
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but
of the life-long attempt to acquire it.” –
Albert Einstein
“We know nothing at all. All our
knowledge is but the knowledge of
schoolchildren. The real nature of things
we shall never know.” – Albert Einstein
“You teach me baseball and I’ll teach you
relativity…No we must not You will learn
about relativity faster than I learn
baseball.” – Albert Einstein
“Reading, after a certain age, diverts the
mind too much from its creative pursuits.
Any man who read too much and uses his
own brain too little falls into lazy habits of
thinking.” – Albert Einstein
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Albert Einstein Quotes – General
“Everything should be made as simple as
possible, but not simpler.” – Albert
“Anyone who has never made a mistake
has never tried anything new.” – Albert
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very
persistent one.” – Albert Einstein
“Great spirits have always found violent
opposition from mediocrities. The latter
cannot understand it when a man does
not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary
prejudices but honestly and courageously
uses his intelligence.” – Albert Einstein
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and
the rational mind is a faithful servant. We
have created a society that honors the
servant and has forgotten the gift.” –
Albert Einstein
“Not everything that counts can be
counted, and not everything that can be
counted counts.” – Albert Einstein
“The secret to creativity is knowing how
to hide your sources.” – Albert Einstein
“People like you and I, though mortal of
course like everyone else, do not grow old
no matter how long we live…[We] never
cease to stand like curious children before
the great mystery into which we were
born.” – Albert Einstein in a letter to Otto
“The monotony and solitude of a quiet life
stimulates the creative mind.” – Albert
“Everything that is really great and
inspiring is created by the individual who
can labor in freedom.” – Albert Einstein
“We have to do the best we can. This is
our sacred human responsibility.” – Albert
“Where there is love there is no
question.” – Albert Einstein
“I think and think for months and years,
ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false.
The hundredth time I am right.” – Albert
“The pioneers of a warless world are the
youth who refuse military service.” –
Albert Einstein
“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a
sphere of activity in which we are
permitted to remain children all our
lives.” – Albert Einstein
“Those instrumental goods which should
serve to maintain the life and health of all
human beings should be produced by the
least possible labour of all.” – Albert
“The search for truth is more precious
than its possession.” – Albert Einstein
“Common sense is the collection of
prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” –
Albert Einstein
“I have no special talents. I am only
passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein
“Few are those who see with their own
eyes and feel with their own hearts.” –
Albert Einstein
“Isn’t it strange that I who have written
only unpopular books should be such a
popular fellow?” – Albert Einstein
“He who joyfully marches in rank and file
has already earned my contempt. He has
been given a large brain by mistake, since
for him the spinal cord would suffice.” –
Albert Einstein
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different
results.” – Albert Einstein
“Learn from yesterday, live for today,
hope for tomorrow. The important thing
is to not stop questioning.” – Albert
“I never think of the future. It comes
soon enough.” – Albert Einstein
“The most beautiful thing we can
experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He
to whom this emotion is a stranger, who
can no longer pause to wonder and stand
rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes
are closed.” – Albert Einstein
“I have deep faith that the principle of
the universe will be beautiful and
simple.” – Albert Einstein
“Truth is what stands the test of
experience.” – Albert Einstein
“The important thing is not to stop
questioning. Curiosity has its own reason
for existing.” – Albert Einstein
“Quantum mechanics is very impressive.
But an inner voice tells me that it is not
yet the real thing. The theory yields a lot,
but it hardly brings us any closer to the
secret of the Old One. In any case I am
convinced that He doesn’t play dice.” –
Albert Einstein
“Great spirits have always found violent
opposition from mediocre minds. The
latter cannot understand it when a
[person] does not thoughtlessly submit to
hereditary prejudices but honestly and
courageously uses their intelligence.” –
Albert Einstein
“How strange is the lot of us mortals!
Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for
what purpose we know not, though
sometimes sense it. But we know from
daily life that we exist for other people
first of all for whose smiles and well-being
our own happiness depends.” – Albert
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your
balance you must keep moving.” – Albert
“To get to know a country, you must have
direct contact with the earth. It’s futile to
gaze at the world through a car window.”
– Albert Einstein
“I love to travel, But hate to arrive.” –
Albert Einstein
“Politics is more difficult than physics.” –
Albert Einstein
“I hate crowds and making speeches. I
hate facing cameras and having to answer
to a crossfire of questions. Why popular
fancy should seize upon me, a scientist,
dealing in abstract things and happy if left
alone, is a manifestation of mass
psychology that is beyond me.” – Albert
“I am neither especially clever nor
especially gifted. I am only very, very
curious.” – Albert Einstein
“Lasting harmony with a woman (was) an
undertaking in which I twice failed rather
disgracefully.” – Albert Einstein
“A finely tempered nature longs to escape
from the personal life into the world of
objective perception and thought.” –
Albert Einstein
“If A equals success, then the formula is:
A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is
keep your mouth shut.” – Albert Einstein
“The ideals that have lighted my way and
time after time have give me new
courage to face life cheerfully, have been
Kindness, Beauty and Truth.” – Albert
“A question that sometimes drives me
hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” –
Albert Einstein

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